My new book, The Allure of Charleston: Houses, Rooms, and Gardens, is out from Rizzoli International Publications! I’ve spent a week gazing at it the way a mother does a newborn child and now I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re in Charleston on Wednesday, May 18th, at 6 PM, please come to my lecture and book launch party at the Charleston Library Society. You can reserve a ticket by visiting their website.
In the meantime, I’ll be sharing some images and musings from the book, starting now with images of some of the gardens that offer the passerby (whether on the sidewalk or the computer screen) a glimpse into the alluring world of Charleston. Enjoy! And look for more in the coming days. If you want to delve deeply, you can purchase the book at a local bookseller, or an online one like Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
South Battery Garden
Antique-meets-Modern courtyard garden
Early 20th-century garden by Loutrel Briggs